Samantabhadra - Bodhisattva of Universal Great Virtue Statue Figure Buddha
Samantabhadra (meaning: universally extending great virtue) is a bodhisattva in Mahayana Buddhism associated with Buddhist practice and meditation. Together with Shakyamuni Buddha and fellow bodhisattva Manjusri he forms the Shakyamuni trinity in Buddhism. This bodhisattva usually rides on a six-tusked elephant. The six tusks represent the Six Perfections (paramitas)- charity, morality, patience, diligence, contemplation, and wisdom - or the six ways in which the bodhisattvas pursue their spiritual cultivation so that they may attain enlightenment and save other living creatures. Those who frequently worship Bodhisattva Samantabadhra would gradually receive his blessing and would become energetic and persistent in their practice of the six paramitas. This is a great easter enlightenment piece and would make a perfect gift for that special person. Most Beautiful Blessing Buddha, white stone Finished - cold cast polyresine 4.5 inches tall statues.
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